24 June 2011

Scraping a page clean

So, I'm not quite sure how one goes about starting blogs.
Nor am I sure what this'll turn into.
Nor should I probably even be blogging here when there is legit work to be done...

However. This will hopefully be a space where I expand on things I tweet about, bring up ideas too complicated for 140 char, maybe throw in some writing, and of that sort of thing.

It's odd deciding how much to separate the political from the personal here, considering how thoroughly the two have mixed. It's also odd because as a queer Syrian-American woman, simply starting a blog seems like a political statement, particularly in light of the Amina fiasco and the recent response to GayMiddleEast.com that I endorsed. Ideally, if I can find it, this will be a reclamation of a voice from among the noise that those two created.


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